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A new fairy fun beginning…

Fairy Image Purple dress

I finally made the leap into the blogging world. It seems to be the thing to do before I can start a website of my very own. Or should I say afford a website of my very own! I am a stay at home mum to three beautiful little girls. I am a Primary Teacher, a dreamer, a photographer, and very passionate about play based learning for children and giving them the opportunity to dream big and let their imagination grow.

And since Santa bought my girls a fairy door for Christmas we have loved all things FAIRY! I really do feel like I get just as much enjoyment out of it as they do. I love seeing their face light up when they see the fairies have visited or when I see their kindness and thoughtfulness come through their letters to the fairies or when thinking of them. Makes me happy to see their imagination grow and their deep thinking questions about magic & fairies.

I can see how popular the fairy doors are becoming thanks to Sally at lil’ Fairy Doors by how successful her business has grown. I know how exciting it is to own a door and welcome the fairies into your home. You buy cute little things to decorate outside the door or wall decors to make it look inviting and pretty. But then what? Over time fairy visits become less and less. Even I am guilty of it. I started to make lists of things the fairies could bring to spark imagination, or ways to show that have visited. I created fairy letters to be left behind when my girls leave drawings or presents for the fairies. The fairies make a big deal when its the girls birthdays and they even helped my middle daughter learn how to go to the toilet. So many ways the fairies can help but it does take some thinking and planning. It can be time consuming. All this with the desire to create something of my own that I can utilise all my favourite things that I love to do, photography, teaching & play – after all my dream is to find a job that I love doing while still being able to be at home with my girls.

So this was when Secret Fairy Business was born. I created this page to create motivation and inspiration to keep the fairy magic alive in our house and hopefully to help others do the same in their home. Behind the scenes I am working on some big ideas I have for this page and hope to share with them soon. For now small steps, ideas, photos, FB (Secret Fairy Business) & a blog. And LOTS of Fairy INSPIRATION!

Thank you for taking the time to read this, if you have time please leave a comment or a 🙂 to let me know:

A. Someone has read this

B. I am not alone in wanting to keep the fairy magic alive

C. Or you would love some inspiration to keep the fairy magic alive!

It would make my day!

Tammy xx